Anumayamo'a Haegafa Alino Hagelafilatenea Kea

Kanite NT

Language: [kmu]KaniteKanite
Title:Anumayamo'a Haegafa Alino Hagelafilatenea KeaKanite NT
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The New Testament in the Kanite Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Kanite long Niugini

Havimaineafe tamakaya hagotetama Anumaya KotiꞋma kava yagaisia kumate visaya yafeꞋene agaiꞋama nehaiya fatago kavaꞋma hisaya yafeꞋene tamakesa havi havi hisayana Anumaya KotiꞋa ani yaꞋene mukiꞋa kavetamiene kenatamienena tamamiteno ani kumatela tamavaleno tamategahie.

—Matthew 6:33

Anumaya KotiꞋa aiya nagoke nafaꞋneꞋa maineanagi ma mopafi veaꞋnehe tusiya huno hau ayamopafi haigeno ani aiya nagoke nafaꞋneꞋa hu-tegeno elavino emaine. Emainegeta tagaya nagoke nagokeꞋmogata agaife tagupi maleta tametiti hisunana haniki-mai yapi tegelege nehia atafina oꞋugahunanagita agola maige maige hisuna tahaimula aliteta maigahune.

—John 3:16

Tagaya ago havimainone Anumaya Kotife hamau amayamopafi nehamaiya veaꞋmoꞋya, Anumaya Kotina agaiꞋma haisia kava hisayafe ke huno agaiꞋalega amavaleno amatenea veaꞋmogamite, mukiꞋa falote hisia yana kanale yaꞋene kana yaꞋene Anumaya KotiꞋa alino kanale huneꞋamate.

—Romans 8:28

Anumayamo'a Haegafa Alino Hagelafilatenea Kea

The New Testament in the Kanite Language of Papua New Guinea

Nupela Testamen long tokples Kanite long Niugini

copyright © 2002 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Kanite
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2021-04-21