Maaron Saveeŋ Tooni Patabuyaaŋ

Saveeng Tuam Bible

Language: [tuc]SaveengMutu
Title:Maaron Saveeŋ Tooni PatabuyaaŋSaveeng Tuam Bible
Abbreviation:ID: TUCTUA or tuc-t
Copyright © 2011 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
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The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Tuam dialect of the Saveeng language of Papua New Guinea. The Saveeng language is also called the Mutu language.

Sampela hap Buk Baibel long tokples Saveeng Tuam long Niugini.

Muuŋ, saawe imin maata kat, Maaron ighur sambam ve taan tomania gabua naol isov.

—Genesis 1:1

Mbouŋ to David Yoova, i ŋginiiŋ tsiau poia. Irau nambool pa gabua eta mako.

—Psalm 23:1

Imin maata, yam aat azuari gham to ataghon pooz to Maaron, ve aduduuŋ ila i maata. O i tauu maata iŋgal gham pa gabua naol tana paam.

—Matthew 6:33

“Pasaa, Maaron loolo igheen kat to tamtamon to taan. Tauta ipul Naatu eemon izilam taan gha imaat pazi. Leso tamtamon tisov tau tighur ila tooni na, tilalez sov, ve tigham lepoogh poia ila to Maaron taghon taghon gha ila.

—John 3:16

Iit tawatagh: Gabua naol isov tau tivotvot ne, Maaron itortoor zi timin gabua popoia pa yes tau lolozi igheen tooni. Ene yes tau i ipoi zi timin le itaghon tauu ŋgar tooni.

—Romans 8:28

Maaron Saveeŋ Tooni Patabuyaaŋ

The New Testament and portions of the Old Testament in the Tuam dialect of the Saveeng language of Papua New Guinea. The Saveeng language is also called the Mutu language.

Sampela hap Buk Baibel long tokples Saveeng Tuam long Niugini.

copyright © 2011 Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
Language: Saveeng (Mutu)
Dialect: Tuam
Translation by: Wycliffe Bible Translators

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Last updated 2017-08-31